Health Benefits of Ginger

Surely you already know that ginger has long been known as a healthy food. Ginger has been used as a natural treatment for centuries. Now, researchers have also found that ginger is also effective in treating various diseases ranging from cancer to migraines. Still hesitant to increase the consumption of ginger? Here are some other benefits of ginger which would further encourage you to use it.

Treatment of ovarian cancer

Ginger is one weapon that is effective in the treatment of ovarian cancer. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, was quoted as saying the site healthdiaries find, ginger powder effectively kills cancer cells found in ovaries.

Preventing colon cancer

A study from the University of Minnesota found that ginger can also slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Healing of nausea due to pregnancy

Review results from several studies show that ginger is equally effective as vitamin B6 in nausea triggered by pregnancy.

Overcome nauseous while traveling

You often dizziness and nausea when traveling by car or other vehicle? Try using ginger. Ginger proved effective against nausea when traveling by vehicle.

Reduce pain and inflammation

A study showed that ginger contains anti-inflammatory as well as the content of a natural pain killer.

Relieve heartburn or heartburn

Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy to overcome heartburn. Usually combined with ginger tea.

Prevent and cope with flu

Ginger also has long been used as a natural treatment of flu. There are also findings that suggest that ginger also helps overcome the problem of the stomach or food poisoning. Additionally, ginger is also good for the digestive tract.

Relieve migraine

The study found that ginger can meredaakn migraine pain by stopping the work of prostaglandins, causing pain and inflammation of the blood vessels.

Relieve cramps

In Chinese medicine, ginger is also used to treat menstrual cramps due.

Prevent pain due to diabetes

A study conducted in rats with diabetes found that rats given ginger decreased the incidence of pain due to diabetes.

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