Neem - an effective oil for scalp problems

Continuing the journey through ayurvedic ingredients, today the focus is on Neem.

Neem is said to have been used traditionally to treat a variety of ailments. Isolation of the specific chemical groups in Neem in modern research reflects this with work on varied interests from anti cancer (tumour suppression) to contraception (Current Science, pp1336-1345, 2002).

Hair is our focus of interest and neem has been shown to be

1. Antifungal(Current Science, pp1336-1345, 2002)

2. Antibacterial(Current Science, pp1336-1345, 2002)

3. An effective treatment against headlice (Parasitol Research, pp 329-32, 2007)

It therefore appears to be a therapeutic ingredient and is recommended for scalp problems such as scaling and dandruff. From my research, neem is available as an oil and the seed extract is used in shampoo

Have you used neem as an oil or perhaps in shampoo? If so, tell us about it!

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