Robo Earth Database to Network Robots

“Robo Earth” program is an idea of Swiss Federal Instituteof Technology. This “Robo Earth” does is working as a global database for all Robotsin the world. Now days there are so many Robot working around the earth and itworked only instructions it has (All the knowledge of the environments that Robothave to gain individually).  So there areno any standards for Robots, if there is a standard for Robots, they can sharetheir knowledge with other Robots and increase the efficiency.  

“Robo Earth” is a network or communication channel forRobots and also it is a global database for them. This database contains theknowledge of that each Robot gains in the environment. As an example if a Robotworking in the kitchen, he knows the road map of a kitchen, temperature of thekitchen, humidity of the kitchen, obstacles map in the kitchen etc. That Robot uploadsits knowledge about the kitchen to the “Robo Earth” database, so a new Robotcan easily work in the kitchen with previous Robot details in “Robo Earth”database. No need again program the new Robot, new Robot can directly connectto “Robo Earth” and download the knowledge where previously uploaded. So newRobot can work like a experienced one.

This is really like an internet for Robots; there are someprotocols and standard to connect Robot and sharing information.  I think this is good news for Robots; they canuse their Internet (“Robo Earth”) to share information and improve theirArtificial intelligence. Robots can transformation with this network and humanscan get the full benefit of it. I think “Robo Earth” will be a new Era forRobot and humans because in future Robots may do lots of work than human. “RoboEarth” will be a police for Robots. 

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