Fine Hair is more prone to split ends

Thank you to the 415 of you who participated in the recent poll on hair thickness and split ends.

Hair Thickness  Distribution

The majority of you reported having fine hair (47%) but a significant number of you had medium and thick hair strands.

Hair ThicknessNumber of Women

Percentage (%)

Fine 19447%

Split Ends

The final result is that if you have fine hair you are more likely to have split ends or need to trim often to keep them at bay. This is the only category of thickness where the majority (56%  of fine haired women) report having split ends often.

For medium and thick hair strands the result is that split ends are less likely to be a problem with 41% and 44% of your respectively reporting that you have split ends often.

Hair ThicknessOften See Splits Ends /Often Trim
Fine 56%

In conclusion: You should be aware of split ends no matter what your hair thickness is but be more vigilant if you have fine hair

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