The Precess of Creating Your First iPhone Aplications with SDK and IDE Basics

We start with some basics of the XCodc IDE. After that, we show you how to use the huilt-irk dthugger in 'ode in Section 13. Next, shows you different sources -or information for obtaining additional help.

SDK and IDE Basics
In this section, we walk you through. the process creating your first iPhone application. But first you need to obtain the iPhone SDK and install it on your Mac.
  • Obtain ing and insta ffing tire SDK
  • Obtaining and installing the IPhone SDK is easy; just follow these steps;
  • Qet your IPhone developer Apple ID and password from :
  • Download the. latest illhone SDK. for IPhone OS from die site mentioned above.
  • Install flie IPhone SDK on your Intel-based Mac.
Now, you're ready to create your firs project!!!

Crearing a project
Locate XCode and launch it. You can use spotlight to find it or you can navigate to Developer /Applications/XCode. XCode is the central application for writing, designing, debugging, and deploying your IPhone aliplicadons, YOLL will use it a lot, so go ahead and add it to the Dock.

From XCode, select File->New Project. You should see a window, asking you for the type of project you want to create. Choose the default and Create a window-based application. This is the most generic type of iPhone project and the one that can be customized for different needs.
Click on Choose-and enter the name of your project (here, we're using my Project) and hit save- A fl L!w directory created with the name you entered, and several files are generated for you. YOU should now see the newly created iPhone project.

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