Hair Damage is Necessary and Expected

Do you worry about damaging your hair a lot? Well, relax a little,
some hair damage is necessary. Necessary? Yes, I said necessary.

I get a lot of emails from my readers worried about damage from

1. Washing hair too much / Not washing hair enough

2. Worrying about washing hair post exercise / Not washing hair post exercise

3. Combing too much / Not combing hair enough

4. Damage from bunning hair / Damage from not bunning hair

In my opinion, hair damage is getting a little too much of the spotlight. The fact is, that in the process of preserving your hair, you will damage it. The idea is not prevent all damage but rather to minimise it. It is simply not possible to be completely damage free.

Why is it not possible to be damage free?

A process as simple as shaking hair in water leads to small amounts of protein being lost from the hair.  (J Soc Cosmet Chem, pp163-175,1993). Can you now think just how much more is done when you add friction from rubbing in shampoo or rubbing down conditioner or brushing?

How worried should you be about hair damage?

You can guarantee that your hair is damage free if you are not touching or washing your hair at all and living permanently in a very dark room (sunlight too damages hair!). Can you envision this life and would you like it?

It is my opinion that we need to have a healthy relationship with damage. In other words, accept that processes to care for our hair will damage our hair to some extent but this is necessary in order for us to maintain our hair in good condition.I have also discussed previously in depth how we can help minimise the damage
during these processes and being as nice as I am today, I will list the
links today

1. Washing -coconut oil pre wash, sectioning very curly or thick hair, 

2. Drying - finger combing, air drying and tshirt drying,

3. Combing and Styling - tackling split endsless tension when styling 

Do bear in mind, we are minimising not eliminating damage !

How much washing is too much? Only you know the answer - You can see evidence of damage (physical such as more hair loss than normal, psychological such as frustration with styling time etc).

Ultimately, you are the captain of the ship. Find a way to make yourself happy with your hair routine.

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