RF Online Cheat's Tutors

Here's the tutors to cheating on Indonesian RF Online. But, before you read the tutors you must download the files below :

Kiki Engine 1.41

rf02032009 (Patch RF 2 Maret 2009)

Delphine Hack 1.0.1 by N3F0

After you finished download all files, read the tutors below :

  1. Extract all files that in rf02032009 into your RF Online folder
  2. Run your favourite cheat engine
  3. Run Delphine Hack 1.0.1 by N3F0
  4. Click to the apps on Delphine Hack, then choose RF.exe from your RF Online folder
  5. Log in to your account and you can use the cheat now! But, keep use method (+1). Do you know it ?

If you don't know what is "method (+1)", here's the explanation :

  1. In Kiki Engine there is watcher program, look what is rf_inline.bin address (example: 0000068a)
  2. Choose "main" then choose "select a process"
  3. Under the address column there is a button. You must choose "process list (long)" button (top-bottom)
  4. There are a lot of address in there, looks what is rf_inline_bin address (example: 0000068a) 
  5. You just need to add "1" in the behind it, so you choose 0000068b address
  6. Done! You can scan to use cheat as usually

Good luck guys!

*Translated from Tutorial Cheat RF Online Terbaru

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