Nokia Moves One Of Its Plants To Asia

Already in 2008 there was a big fuss about the closure of a Nokia production line in Germany. People living in the city affected by the closure of the plant went on strike and Nokia. It was the first step in the migration of industrial facilities in the Middle Nokia.

The same year, Nokia launched a brand new plant in Romania, in the village of Jucu. Located in the western part of Romania location was close enough to Western nations and Nokia took the advantage of cheap labor force that was in Romania. Since then, Nokia has launched many mobile phone deals has been on the Western market. Most mobile phones were produced in Romania and Nokia won big profits.

Today, Nokia believes that the lack of Romania is very expensive, and intends to leave this country too. I'm really going to close a factory in Jucu the beginning of 2012 and transferred to the State in Asia, probably in China or India. It is sad that big companies like Nokia decides to withdraw from the European Union, the economic situation is bleak. They should be considered in the unit for the production line, which will cost 60 million euros and that was considered by far the most advanced and environmentally friendly in all European countries. In addition, they should remember that more than 2,000 people left without jobs and their families are likely to suffer.

Nokia does not think very clear. Just watch their profits, and seek to make the most mobile phone deals are about to be released in the near future. I realize that the production costs are significantly reduced in China, but there are a lot of people in the European Union, which are not at work because of this. All major organizations are trying to close factories in the West, and transferred to the Far East. This simply is not good! This scenario can lead to disaster for the planet, if China wants to close the borders.

All mobile phone manufacturers should produce a program with caution and maintain existing industrial facilities. I think in the long run, make the same factory premises of current income. They just need to be a little 'less than to build a revolutionary way to prepare and wonderful phone! Nokia has not released any competitive market smartphone to date. It 's time to move forward and are costly to build phones like HTC or Samsung.

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