Foods Good for Your Liver

Liver foods are mainly the foods which are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. You need to keep your liver healthy because it has wide range of functions and including the detoxification process. Liver neutralises toxic chemicals both those produced internally and those coming from the environment. If you eat more processed foods that affect the liver. On the other hand healthy foods improve the liver function.

The Best Foods for Liver:

• Eat more Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts and soybeans. Foods must be rich in Vitamin B, C, E, Zinc and Magnesium. You should eat foods high in antioxidants.

• You should consume foods such as nuts, brown rice and seeds. Yogurt is very good for liver. Drink fresh fruit juices and eat organic fruits. You also need lean protein foods such as beans, lentils, eggs, chicken, fish and a little lean red meat.

• Experts suggest bitter greens are good for the lover. Bitter greens increase the bile production in liver. Go for dandelion, chicory and endive.

• Foods rich in Beta Carotene are good for liver. Carrot is an excellent source of Beta Carotene. Beta Carotene is the precursor of Vitamin A and a powerful antioxidant. It helps in the detoxification process.

What You Should Avoid:
Excess alcohol is very harmful for the liver. Also foods with artificial sweeteners and colours, junk foods, fried foods are bad for the liver. Avoid eating fatty foods and high salt foods. Cigarette smoking is bad for liver because smoking decreases the liver’s ability to get rid of dangerous substances.

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