How Strong is Your Hair?

So we harp on and on about how curly hair is weak and needs gentle care. Now while it is true that curly hair needs to handled gently, the weak part of the story deserves some scrutiny.  I actually saw this on another site and decided to try it with my own hair. (Please consider your own and your property's safety should you decide to replicate this experiment!)


1. A balance

2. One strand of hair

3. The biggest(heaviest) pair of scissors you can find (or a weight if you have one)

We start off by weighing the scissor, mine comes in at 80grams. My hair did not register on the scale (so we will say it is 1g so that the story can continue) 

Step 2 :Suspend the scissors with the hair. 

Please do this over an appropriate surface (the scissor is very likely to fall). I only managed to get a shaky photo mainly because I could not hold the hair steady and operate the camera at the same time. Therefore we have what looks like the magic free floating scissor along with a shaky close up showing the hair

Step 3: The hair afterwards

Well it didn't really look good, it was quite straight and long (lol not that straight and long is bad but it is bad for my curls)

However after wetting the hair, look what happened!

The moral of the story: Hair is pretty darn strong.

1g of my hair can carry 80g without breaking. It actually has some elasticity left in it too hence the return of the curls on wetting. Think about the human comparison

If you weigh 150lbs that means you should carry 80 times your body weight which is 12,000lbs

 However, when I suspend that scissor on my finger, 80g feels like nothing. I have definitely pulled on my hair with more force. This experiment has taught me that my hair is strong but I need to always bear in mind what 80g feels like and try to be very very gentle to my hair.

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