How expensive is your natural hair?

I read a very recent article about how expensive natural hair products are. I agree in part because the products that were mentioned were on the high end. The truth is though that there are very many affordable hair products that naturals dismiss because

1. We mistakenly believe some products are not designed for our hair type

2. We are searching for a miracle product that does not exist but since the last expensive purchase did not pan out, why not try another brand name.

I truly believe natural hair is affordable and makes sense. It does take two specific things however for this to be true .

1. We have to enjoy the texture we have and not the one we want.

2. We have to learn good, gentle and patient methods of haircare that accentuate the default texture.

Anyway here is my spend for this month on products.This is the cost of actual products used. Where a product is not used in full the cost is divided by my estimate on how long it would take to finish the bottle


Total Cost

Conditioner (3 bottles used ) Disclaimer- I swim! £8 ($12)
Shampoo (1 bottle still nearly full should last 6 months or so)30p(50cts)
Oil (Coconut and Shea butter - each jar should last around 4 months)

£9 ($14)
Leave in Conditioner (1 bottle also nearly full should last about 4 months)
£2 ($3)
Hairdressing visits0
Grand total £19.30

Additional expenses (trial products - not yet used)£17 ($26)

Frankly the cost could be less if I didn't mind the smell of shea butter. I buy a refined butter which is about the only ridiculous cost that I pay.

Have you done the maths for your hair care? If not, do it now and take the poll! Is hair care really a billion dollar industry? 

Side note: If you wear weaves or wigs and have your hair done in a salon, please add these expenses to your list!

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