Day six in London-a bit of everything

A squirrel on a look out. If you stop and watch them, they will certainly stop doing whatever it was they were doing  (most of the time it seems they are busy weeding flower beds)and come towards You to take a look if You have brought any snacks. At home You can consider yourself lucky if You spot a squirrel.

This photo could easily be taken  from an interview with a scandinavian band in some magazine.
Or an album cover...

Six sunny days in a row in London!
Curious morning activities of the neighbour's bitch.

The influence of the english is irrestistible! My friends were forced to lay carpet all over the place due to the sensitive neighbour downstairs. Very unsteady floor I must say.

After the full english breakfast and a plate of fish and chips... The legend, telling that locals start their day at 10 am with a pint of beer, has been confirmed. We joined them with our  halfpinters.

A few kids in a church. They were climbing on the altar and looking around from the pulpit!
Cool kids- starting early to acquaintance themselves with the architecture...

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