Money: Blog vs Youtube

I am trying to clear out my inbox today and found this from 2 months ago (eep Sorry Shelly!). She asks, ' I am a long time fan of both yourself and kimmaytube. I found out that there is money to be made from videos and I am wondering if the same is true for posts on blogs. It is just out of curiosity so if you don't want to say it's cool.'

Blogging is probably one of the worst choices if you want to make some money. There are high traffic blogs which struggle to stay afloat because of lack of revenue. I have been publishing ads on this blog for nearly a year and here is my statement to date

Yep around 50 dollars would be my total income for the year..........what a terrible job lol. A low traffic day (1600 views) like yesterday nets me around 2-3 pence (4-6 cents) and a high traffic day may get me around £1.00 (2 dollars).

Could I be earning more from the ads? Yes I could, but even that would probably only double or triple the amount so 150 dollars is still nothing to write about (plus my contract with google technically forbids me from discussing this lol)

Blogging can be a money business if you are willing to sell advertising space. This ranges from the standard picture on the side bar to the paid for reviews. Bloggers are also often sent products free of charge and you need to think plane ticket here not just hair butters.............(yes plane tickets!).

In short, blogging can be a business if you want it to be. I personally define my success as just being here, present year after year. There are success stories from blogging (for example deuce) but in my opinion, youtube millionaires have been made. If you are looking for a wise business decision, I would say youtube is a better bet!

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