How often do you shampoo your hair?

Following this post, where a number of you said you can go without shampoo, I would like to ask how often do you use shampoo?

Please feel free to answer in the poll to the right!

Shampoo means a commercial type shampoo - includes SLS or SLS free brands, castile soap, shampoo bars and any other type of soap. IF you use these type of products please vote on how often you use the product.

For the purpose of this poll - conditioner washing, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, clays or herbs are excluded from the definition of shampoo . IF you use these type of products EXCLUSIVELY to shampoo your hair and wish to vote please vote as NEVER and for how long you have not used a commercial shampoo.

Also if you use herbs to clean your hair, please comment and let me know which ones because I'm curious to do the research about this.


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